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What are synthetic elements ? Mention two synthetic elements and write the nuclear equations leading to their synthesis. Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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The elements which do not occur in nature but are produced by nuclear reactions are called synthetic elements. The elements technetium ( T c ) ( , promethium ( P m ) ( , and fracium ( F r ) ( are synthetic elements . Synthesiselement Z Nuclearreaction Technetium ( T c ) 43 . 42 M o 96 + . 1 H 2 → . 43 T c 97 + . 0 n 1 P r o m e t h i u m ( P m ) 61 . 60 N d 150 + . 1 H 2 → . 61 p D 151 + . 0 n 1 F r a c i u m ( F r ) 87 . 89 A c 227 → . 87 F e 223 + . 2 H e 4 Synthesiselement

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