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Write the nuclear reactions for the following radioactive decay: (a) . 92 U 238 . undergoes α − α decay. (b) . 91 P a 234 . undergoes B η − B decay. (c) . 11 N a 22 . undergoes B η + B decay. Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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a . a . 92 U 238 → . . 90 T h 234 + . . 2 H e 4 . b . b . 91 P a 234 → . . 2 U 234 + . . − 1 e 0 ( β c − ) . c . c . 11 N a 22 → . . 10 N e 22 + . . + 1 e 0 ( β ⊕ ) .

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