Questions by JackTerrance

0 votes
    What is Tag in Ansible?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
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    In the context of Ansible, what is meant by “facts”?...
asked Jan 28, 2023 in Technology
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    What is an ask_pass module?...
asked Jan 28, 2023 in Technology
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    How to use Ansible for creating encrypted files?...
asked Jan 28, 2023 in Technology
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    What is Ansible Galaxy?...
asked Jan 28, 2023 in Technology
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    What is idempotency in Ansible?...
asked Jan 28, 2023 in Technology
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    What is meant by Ad-Hoc commands? Give one example....
asked Jan 28, 2023 in Technology
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    How are CD and CI related to Ansible?...
asked Jan 28, 2023 in Technology
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    What is the output statement of the following snippet? tasks: - name: test shell: echo "hello" register: a ... any errors. 2. Syntax error because of conflicting action statements...
asked Jan 27, 2023 in Technology
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    Which module you can use to install Apache in Ubuntu OS? 1. yum 2. apt...
asked Jan 27, 2023 in Technology
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    Ansible is a/an ____________________. (1)All the options (2)Configuration management (3)Infrastructure as code (4)Orchestration Engine...
asked Jan 27, 2023 in Technology
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    You can use ansible-vault to store sensitive information. (1)True (2)False...
asked Jan 27, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    If you do not need any facts from the host, what command would you use? 1. gather_facts: no 2. gather_facts: False 3. gather_facts: no AND gather_facts: False 4. gather_facts: y...
asked Jan 27, 2023 in Technology
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    Nodes are managed by a controlling machine over ____________. 1. HTTP 2. HTTPs 3. FTP 4. SSH...
asked Jan 27, 2023 in Technology
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    Which module can be used to force a handler to run in between two tasks? (1)meta (2)asset (3)flush (4)None of the options...
asked Jan 26, 2023 in Technology
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    Design goals of Ansible include __________________________. (1)Secure (2)Low learning curve (3)Consistent (4)All the options (5)Highly reliable...
asked Jan 26, 2023 in Technology
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    How can you lessen the number of SSH connections required? How can you lessen the number of SSH connections required? 1. become_method 2. forks 3. pipelining 4. accelerate_port...
asked Jan 26, 2023 in Education
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    A Playbook starts with three dots …. (1)False (2)True...
asked Jan 26, 2023 in Education
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    What is the default forks value in the configuration file? 1. 1 2. 7 3. Depends upon the hosts in the inventory 4. 5...
asked Jan 26, 2023 in Education
0 votes
    Question Type: Single-Select vars: score: 3 tasks: - shell: echo "**** on!! You won." when: ?? How do you use a variable to apply ... 3. when: score == 3 4. when: {{ score }} == 3...
asked Jan 26, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which of the following is a valid YAML syntax? (i)path: F:\test (ii)All the options mentioned (iii)path: F: (iv)path: "F\test"\programs...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
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    Ansible can work as a push automated deployment system and as well as a pull automated deployment system? (i)True (ii)False...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
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    How to define the number of parallel processes while communicating to remote hosts? (i)become (ii)forks (iii)pipelining (iv)become_method...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in General
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    Which Ansible module is used to manage docker services and containers. (i)docker_login (ii)docker_container (iii)docker (iv)docker_service...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
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    Ansible is (i)All the options mentioned (ii)Orchestration Engine (iii)configuration management (iv)Infrastructure as Code...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
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    Which configuration management software is Agentless? (i)CFEngine (ii)Puppet (iii)Ansible (iv)Chef...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
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    Using which module can you see the list of all the ansible variables? (i)ping (ii)fetch (iii)setup (iv)copy...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
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    YAML uses tabs for indentation, True or false? (i)True (ii)False...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Ansible can deploy to virtualization and cloud environments, Including (i)Cloud Stack (ii)Google cloud platform (iii)All the Options (iv)Amazon web services (v)Open Stack...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which command tells ansible to run the playbook on all the hosts except host1? (i)ansible-playbook playbooks/ ... ansible-playbook playbooks/PLAYBOOK_NAME.yml -limit 'all:!host1'...
asked Jan 25, 2023 in Technology