Questions by JackTerrance

0 votes
    The main objective of compressing (images / CSS / JavaScript) is to help with ____________. A. All the options B ... None of the Options D. Improving performance E. Reduce Overhead...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    gulp.src in gulpfile.js refers to ______. A. Source location of files to be acted upon B. root folder of gulp C. Source location of all files D. location of gulpfile.js...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which command in the CLI will trigger the 'default` task? A. run default gulp B. run gulp default C. gulp D. All the options E. run gulp...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    gulp-concat helps with __________ A. Concatenation of files in given Location B. Concatenation of css files C. ... .js/.css files alone D. Concatenation of JavaScript files...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which among the following helps to compile into .CSS format? A. gulp-less B. gulp-sass C. Both the options...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    While installing gulp with $npm install gulp --save-dev, what does --save-dev represents? A. Missed out ... Ensures CLI installation D. triggers dependency between project and cli...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    The default task representation in gulp will be like _________. A.'default',function(){ 'default'}); B. gulp.task(' ... ; D.'default',function(){ 'd',null});...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Between Grunt and Gulp, which is relatively fast? A. Both are of same speed B. Neither of the same C. Grunt D. Gulp...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which Streams provide ability to both read and write? A. All the options B. Classic C. Transform D. None of the Options E. Duplex...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Streams which play vital role in gulp, has its origin from __________. A. Unix B. Node.js C. Gulpfile.js D. None of the Options E. All the options...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Education
0 votes
    How does installing Gulp globally help? A. can draw reference within grunt easily B. None of the options C. Helps to ... in any directories can be easily mapped E. All the options...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    While installing gulp, the first installation step would be ________. A. $npm install gulp g savedev B. $npm install gulp -- ... install gulp g D. $npm install gulp g --save-dev...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    The different kinds of Streams include ______________. A.readable,writable,divide, classic, transcend B.readable, ... , transform D.readable,writable,divide, check, transform...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which plug-in has optimizers and compressors? A. gulp-changed B. gulp-plumber C. gulp-imagemin D. gulp-watch...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Education
0 votes
    Streams give higher flow control. A.True B.False...
asked Jan 31, 2023 in Education
0 votes
    Why is Fourier transform used in Deep Learning?...
asked Jan 30, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What are activation functions?...
asked Jan 30, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What is the meaning of overfitting?...
asked Jan 30, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Can you delete specific prompts in chatgpt?...
asked Jan 30, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Why does the AI seem so real and lifelike?...
asked Jan 30, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    How does ChatGPT work?...
asked Jan 30, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What are the components of Ansible?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What is Ansible pipelining?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What is use of Ansible?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What are Ansible's roles?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    How many modules are there in Ansible?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    How to keep data secret in a Ansible playbook?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    How is Ansible upgraded?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What is a handler in Ansible?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    How does synchronize module works of an Ansible?...
asked Jan 29, 2023 in Technology