Questions by JackTerrance

0 votes
    What is the difference between a constructor and a method?...
asked Feb 9, 2023 in Technology
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    What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?...
asked Feb 9, 2023 in Technology
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    What is method overriding in Java?...
asked Feb 9, 2023 in Technology
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    What is method overriding in Java?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What is method overloading in Java?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
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    What is polymorphism in Java?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
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    What is abstraction in Java?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
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    What is inheritance in Java?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
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    What is encapsulation in Java?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
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    What are the four pillars of OOP?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
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    What is Object-Oriented Programming?...
asked Feb 8, 2023 in Technology
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    Can you explain the Maven build lifecycle?...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
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    What is the difference between Maven and ANT?...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
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    How does Maven manage dependencies?...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
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    What are the benefits of using Maven?...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Education
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    What is Maven?...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which of the following is used by Maven? (1)Pom.xml (2)Config.xml (3)META-INF (4)None of the Above...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    The following are CI tools, except ____________. (1)Maven (2)Jenkins (3)Travis CI (4)Teamcity...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which of the following build tools can be used to build Scala projects? (1)Gradle (2)Maven (3)All the options (4)SBT...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which tool is appropriate to set up a Selenium 2.0 Java project (1)Maven (2)pip (3)Depends upon the project (4)Signed dlls...
asked Feb 5, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What are some of the popular BI tools and technologies you are familiar with?...
asked Feb 4, 2023 in Technology
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    Can you explain the role of a Business Intelligence Analyst?...
asked Feb 4, 2023 in Technology
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    How do you ensure data accuracy and consistency in BI systems?...
asked Feb 4, 2023 in Technology
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    What are the different stages involved in the BI process?...
asked Feb 4, 2023 in Technology
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    Can you explain the difference between Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence?...
asked Feb 4, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    What is Business Intelligence and its importance in organizations?...
asked Feb 4, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Compression of images could be easily achieved using which gulp plug-in? A. gulp-minjpg B. gulp-minipng C. gulp-minjpeg D. gulp-imagemin E. gulp-minijpeg...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which plugin helps in task dependencies? A. No gulp plug-ins needed B. gulp-order C. gulp-seq C. gulp-depend...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which package helps in minifying the CSS? A. gulp-minify-css B. gulp-css-minify C. gulp-min-css D. gulp-compressify-css...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Which helps with sequencing the tasks one bye one? A. Only watch & plumber B. pipe C. plumber D. watch E. All the options...
asked Feb 3, 2023 in Technology