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Find the current density of a material with resistivity 20 units and electric field intensity 2000 units. (a) 400 (b) 300 (c) 200 (d) 100 I have been asked this question in class test. This intriguing question originated from Real Time Applications in chapter Electrostatic Fields of Electromagnetic Theory Select the correct answer from above options Electromagnetic Theory questions and answers, Electromagnetic Theory questions pdf, Electromagnetic Theory question bank, Electromagnetic Theory questions and answers pdf, mcq on Electromagnetic Theory pdf,electromagnetic theory book pdf,electromagnetic theory pdf notes,electromagnetic theory lecture notes,electromagnetic theory of light,maxwell electromagnetic theory,electromagnetic theory proposed by,electromagnetic theory engineering physics,electromagnetic theory nptel

1 Answer

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Best answer
The correct answer is (d) 100 The best explanation: The current density is given by J = σ E, where σ is the conductivity. Thus resistivity ρ = 1/σ. J = E/ρ = 2000/20 = 100 units.

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