Recent questions tagged Probability-interview-questions

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    Five cards are drawn from a pack of 52 cards. What is the chance that these 5 will contain: (i) just one ace (ii) at least one ace? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    The face cards are removed from a full pack. Out of the remaining 40 cards, 4 are drawn at random. What ... belong to different suits? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    There are four men and six women on the city councils. If one council member is selected for a committee at random, ... it is a women? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    A box contains 100 bulbs, 20 of which are defective. 10 bulbs are selected for inspection. Find the probability ... none is defective Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Find the probability that in a random arrangement of the letters of the word ‘SOCIAL’ vowels come together Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    The letters of the word ‘CLIFTON’ are placed at random in a row. What is the chance that two vowels come together? Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    If A and B be mutually exclusive events associated with a random experiment such that P (A) = 0.4 and P (B) = 0.5 ... (iv) P(A ∩ bar B) Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    A and B are two events such that P (A) = 0.54, P (B) = 0.69 and P (A ∩ B) = 0.35. Find (i) P (A ∪ B) ... (A ∩ bar B) (iv) P(B ∩ bar A) Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Fill in the blanks in the following table: P(A) P(B) P(A ∩ B) P(A ∪ B) (i) 1/3 1/5 1/15 ....... (ii) 0. ... (iii) 0.5 0.35 ....... 0.7 Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    If A and B are two events associated with a random experiment such that P (A) = 0.3, P (B) = 0.4 and P (A ∪ B) = 0.5, find P (A ∩ B). Select the correct answer from above options...
asked Nov 22, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance