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    If you call javascript and pass a url to a .xls file it open on some machines in the ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Right now, we are using Perforce for version control. It has the handy feature of a strictly increasing ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Joel always said to be careful when using 3rd party libraries. From my initial impressions, jQuery is great ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I've always just FTPed files down from sites, edited them and put them back up when creating sites, ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Howdy, I have a DataRow pulled out of a DataTable from a DataSet. I am accessing a column that is ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I want to build an executable to distribute to people without python installed on their machines. Is there ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I have already posted something similar here but I would like to ask the question more general over here. ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    There is no summary available of the big O notation for operations on the most common data structures ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Microsoft has chosen to not release a 64-bit version of Jet, their database driver for Access. Does anyone ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I have a dilemma, I'm using Java and Oracle and trying to keep queries on PL/SQL side. Everything ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I'm looking to have two versions of BOOST compiled into a project at the same time. Ideally they ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I need your help in determining the best approach for analyzing industry-specific sentences (i.e. movie ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    OK, I have been working on a random image selector and queue system (so you don't see the same ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    How can I mount a floppy image file using cygwin. I would like to mount the image, copy a file ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I have a dict, that looks like this: { 'foo': { 'opt1': 1, 'opt2': 2, }, 'foo/ ... questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I have a legacy VB6 executable that runs on Vista. This executable shells out another legacy MFC C++ ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I'm looking for a groovy equivalent on .NET So far Boo looks interesting ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Im calling a locally hosted wcf service from silverlight and I get the exception below. Iv created a ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    This is a scenario I've seen in multiple places over the years; I'm wondering if anyone else has run across ... using key/value pairs for the customized attributes (OrderLine [n]...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    When I try the following lookup in my code: Context initCtx = new InitialContext(); Context envCtx = ( ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I've got a Sharepoint WebPart which loads a custom User Control. The user control contains a Repeater which ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I am parsing text that has a heading and then data that applies to that heading. I need to break ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    OK, I have been working on a random image selector and queue system (so you don't see the same ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I'm a .Net developer and want to get into developing Silverlight applications. I have VS 2008 but wanted ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Suppose you have a fairly large (~2.2 MLOC), fairly old (started more than 10 years ago) Windows ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    This is obviously a stupid question. I am coding in Eclipse both on Mac and Linux, but I mixed up ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    I am looking for a free tool to load Excel data sheet into an Oracle database. I tried the Oracle ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    When developing distributed applications, all written in Java by the same company, would you choose Web Services ... for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 22, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Want ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Mar 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance