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Explain equality. (i) Meaning of Equality (ii) Facets of Equality (iii) Importance of Equality Please answer the above question.

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(i) Meaning: Equality is an important ideal in society. Equality does not mean uniformity. It signifies that all human beings have equal worth, irrespective of their ethnicity, religion, caste, etc. Today, equality is looked at as a political goal as well as the basis of Liberty and Justice. It has a moral and collective dimension as it includes empathy and tolerance. Natural inequalities are a reality since humans are not equal in physical or intellectual aspects. The struggle for equality is to do away with the restrictions and burdens of man-made inequalities that are created on the basis of religion, caste, race, status, wealth, etc. Equality is the attempt to create conditions where every individual is given equal opportunity to develop and progress. (ii) The facets of equality are: Absence of special privileges to or of discriminations against anyone in the matter of socio-economic and political rights. No person/group should have special conditions that are denied to a large majority. For e.g., In the caste hierarchy, the lower castes were discriminated against while upper castes flourished. Equality before the law and equal protection of the law – The law is equally applicable to everyone irrespective of economic or social status, race, creed, etc. Equality of opportunity – To enhance one’s potential and to develop one’s personality irrespective of considerations like ethnicity, gender, community, etc. Deprived sections must have provisions for education, employment, and social wellbeing to enable fair competition with others. Absolute equality is neither possible nor desirable as equality in no way implies uniformity. (iii) Importance of Equality: Equality is necessary to uphold the dignity of the individual. It is necessary to create a just society. It is necessary to promote mutual respect among members of society. It helps to bring about the fraternity. Liberty and equality are the cornerstones of a democracy.

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