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Explain the process of italy Select the correct answer from above options

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Before Unification of Italy Italy faced political fragmentation over its long history. There was the multinational Habsburg Empire and several dynastic states scattered all over. Italy was divided into seven states over the middle of the 19th century. Out of seven states only one state was ruled by Italian princely house i.e. Sardinia-Piedmont. Centre was ruled by the Pope, Austrian Hasburgs controlled the North, and the Bourbon kings of Spain dominated the Southern regions. Italian language also had many local and regional variations Unification of Italy Giuseppe Mazzini wanted to put a programme to unify Italy in the 1830’s. To spread his goals a secret society called Young Italy was formed. The responsibility of unifying Italy through war fell on the ruler King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia-Piedmont, after the failure of revolutionary uprising in 1831 and 1848. The ruling elite thought that they would get political dominance and economic development after unification of Italy. The Austrian forces were defeated in 1859 by Sardinia-Piedmont, after a diplomatic alliance was made with the French, by Chief Minister Cavour. In order to drive out the Spanish rulers from the Southern regions of Italy, in 1860, a large number of armed volunteers under Garibaldi marched into the Kingdom of two Sicilies and South Italy. They won the support of Peasants. Hence in 1861, Italy had a new king, Victor Emmanuel II.

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