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I'm having trouble with understanding how to properly do unwrapping in Swift. Here is the situation: I have these two classes: class Alpha { var val: Int init(x: Int) { val = x } func doSomething() -> Int { // does stuff and returns an Int value return val } } and a second class which is a subclass of the first class Beta: Alpha { var str: [String] = [] override init(x: Int) { super.init(x) } func doSomething() -> String { // does stuff and returns a String return str } } So far so good, these two classes work as expected. But now I want to create a dictionary to store several of both these class objects. So I've created a class to manage the dictionary and add items to it. class Gamma { var myDict: [String:AnyObject] = [:] func addAlphaToDict(key: String, val: Int) { self.myDict[key] = Alpha(x: val).self } func addBetaToDict(key: String, val: Int) { self.myDict[key] = Beta(x: val).self } } This also is working, but I think this could somehow be improved. The issue I'm having is now when I try to access values in the dictionary: var foo = Gamma() foo.addAlphaToDict(key: "blah", val: 45) foo.addBetaToDict(key: "bluh", val: 23) var result1 = (foo.myDict["blah"] as! Alpha).doSomething() var result2 = (foo.myDict["bluh"] as! Beta).doSomething() I find that the syntax here is very clunky and I feel like I'm doing it wrong, even though it works. I'm an experienced developer, but have only just started using Swift so I'm not really sure about certain things. Could someone with more Swift experience show me how to improve this code, or point me in the direction I should be going? Thanks! JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

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You can use Alpha instead of AnyObject as your dictionary value in this case. Just downcast it to Beta when needed. Using AnyObject or Any as the dictionary key should be avoided as much as possible. However, i have to say that this approach is bad. You need to have a clearer logic to decide when the key will be Beta other than just relaying on knowing which key you are passing to the dictionary.

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