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Using dplyr, one can easily see the groups by which a dataset is grouped. How can one get these groups using data.table or define a print method that shows them. Example: df <- read.table(text = "X Y Goal 32 12 1 13 42 0 55 33 0", header = TRUE) setDT(df) df[,lapply(.SD,sum),.(X,Y)][] Output: X Y Goal 1: 32 12 1 2: 13 42 0 3: 55 33 0 Doing something similar in dplyr provides a more visual display of the groups, how can I see the same in data.table? UPDATE: Indeed as @Gregor points out below,thesummaris(z)e family from dyplr automatically ungroups. However, how could I get data.table to print something like shown below. Sample dplyr output. A data.table alternative of the statement # Groups: Species [3] is precisely what I'm looking for. library(dplyr) iris %>% group_by(Species) # A tibble: 150 x 5 # Groups: Species [3] # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species # # 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa # 2 4.9 3 1.4 0.2 setosa # 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa # 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa Thanks! JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

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Actually, consider base R's by (object-oriented wrapper to tapply) using identity if objective is as title reads and OP's specific needs below: Print method that shows groups can easily see the groups by which a dataset is grouped In fact, you can run any operation like summary and by outputs still have group headers with section breaks! # ONE GROUP by(df, random_df$group, identity) # TWO GROUPS with(df, by(random_df, list(group1, group2), identity)) # THREE GROUPS with(df, by(random_df, list(group1, group2, group3), identity)) Below is demonstration with random, seeded data: Random Data set.seed(3222018) data_tools <- c("sas", "stata", "spss", "python", "r", "julia") random_df <- data.frame( group = sample(data_tools, 50, replace=TRUE), int = sample(1:5, 50, replace=TRUE), num = rnorm(50), char = rep(letters[1:3], 20)[1:50], bool = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 50, replace=TRUE), data = as.Date(sample(1:as.integer(Sys.Date()), 50, replace=TRUE), origin="1970-01-01") ) Rextester demo One Group by(random_df, random_df$group, identity) # random_df$group: julia # group int num char bool data # 9 julia 1 0.55209060 c TRUE 2003-01-08 # 12 julia 5 0.25581573 c FALSE 1973-01-20 # 20 julia 2 -0.44872825 b FALSE 1981-12-20 # 30 julia 1 0.09790121 c TRUE 1981-07-11 # 31 julia 1 1.75711081 a FALSE 1984-05-23 # 35 julia 3 -1.78797757 b TRUE 1992-10-23 # 39 julia 5 -1.83548253 c TRUE 1982-04-18 # 44 julia 3 0.52640304 b FALSE 2016-07-28 # 50 julia 2 0.05759068 b FALSE 1987-07-09 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # random_df$group: python # group int num char bool data # 8 python 3 -0.75471461 b TRUE 2018-04-08 # 15 python 4 0.03756282 c FALSE 2006-03-29 # 19 python 1 0.43025626 a FALSE 2005-03-30 # 22 python 4 -0.28019319 a FALSE 1997-02-19 # 24 python 2 -0.05318753 c FALSE 1977-08-02 # 45 python 2 -0.11575270 c TRUE 2006-06-23 # 48 python 2 -0.29651827 c TRUE 2015-07-13 # 49 python 3 -0.45816745 a FALSE 1991-09-09 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # random_df$group: r # group int num char bool data # 5 r 4 -0.1748250 b FALSE 2005-04-20 # 14 r 2 -0.5868782 b TRUE 2005-12-30 # 25 r 5 -0.5108906 a TRUE 1985-08-26 # 33 r 1 0.3580581 c FALSE 1983-08-16 # 34 r 3 -2.9556022 a TRUE 1998-07-24 # 36 r 5 -2.5008645 c TRUE 1990-12-30 # 43 r 5 -2.1710319 a TRUE 1987-09-29 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ... Two Groups with(random_df, by(random_df, list(group, char), identity)) # : julia # : a # group int num char bool data # 31 julia 1 1.757111 a FALSE 1984-05-23 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : python # : a # group int num char bool data # 19 python 1 0.4302563 a FALSE 2005-03-30 # 22 python 4 -0.2801932 a FALSE 1997-02-19 # 49 python 3 -0.4581675 a FALSE 1991-09-09 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : r # : a # group int num char bool data # 25 r 5 -0.5108906 a TRUE 1985-08-26 # 34 r 3 -2.9556022 a TRUE 1998-07-24 # 43 r 5 -2.1710319 a TRUE 1987-09-29 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : sas # : a # group int num char bool data # 28 sas 2 -0.6086176 a FALSE 2019-01-26 # 40 sas 4 0.5408948 a FALSE 2004-10-24 # 46 sas 1 0.7266734 a TRUE 1996-09-05 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : spss # : a # group int num char bool data # 1 spss 1 -0.06494476 a TRUE 1999-07-10 # 7 spss 5 1.93460991 a TRUE 1974-04-17 # 16 spss 1 -0.55380012 a FALSE 2010-04-06 # 37 spss 1 0.17309091 a TRUE 1999-01-22 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : stata # : a # group int num char bool data # 4 stata 1 -1.0498222 a TRUE 1981-05-01 # 10 stata 1 1.9223104 a TRUE 1996-07-23 # 13 stata 1 -0.8381546 a TRUE 1989-01-12 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ... Three Groups with(random_df, by(random_df, list(group, char, int), identity)) # : julia # : a # : 1 # group int num char bool data # 31 julia 1 1.757111 a FALSE 1984-05-23 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : python # : a # : 1 # group int num char bool data # 19 python 1 0.4302563 a FALSE 2005-03-30 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : r # : a # : 1 # NULL # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : sas # : a # : 1 # group int num char bool data # 46 sas 1 0.7266734 a TRUE 1996-09-05 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : spss # : a # : 1 # group int num char bool data # 1 spss 1 -0.06494476 a TRUE 1999-07-10 # 16 spss 1 -0.55380012 a FALSE 2010-04-06 # 37 spss 1 0.17309091 a TRUE 1999-01-22 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # : stata # : a # : 1 # group int num char bool data # 4 stata 1 -1.0498222 a TRUE 1981-05-01 # 10 stata 1 1.9223104 a TRUE 1996-07-23 # 13 stata 1 -0.8381546 a TRUE 1989-01-12 # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ... data.table example To illustrate, you can also run any operation inside by including data.table aggregation to still return grouped headers and section breaks print output: library(data.table) ... by(random_df, random_df$group, function(sub) data.table(sub)[, list(mean_num = mean(num), median_num = median(num), min_num = min(num), max_num = max(num), total_num = sum(num)), by = char] ) # random_df$group: julia # char mean_num median_num min_num max_num total_num # 1: c -0.2324187 0.1768585 -1.835483 0.5520906 -0.929675 # 2: b -0.4131780 -0.1955688 -1.787978 0.5264030 -1.652712 # 3: a 1.7571108 1.7571108 1.757111 1.7571108 1.757111 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # random_df$group: python # char mean_num median_num min_num max_num total_num # 1: b -0.7547146 -0.75471461 -0.7547146 -0.75471461 -0.7547146 # 2: c -0.1069739 -0.08447011 -0.2965183 0.03756282 -0.4278957 # 3: a -0.1027015 -0.28019319 -0.4581675 0.43025626 -0.3081044 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # random_df$group: r # char mean_num median_num min_num max_num total_num # 1: b -0.3808516 -0.3808516 -0.5868782 -0.1748250 -0.7617031 # 2: a -1.8791749 -2.1710319 -2.9556022 -0.5108906 -5.6375247 # 3: c -1.0714032 -1.0714032 -2.5008645 0.3580581 -2.1428064 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # random_df$group: sas # char mean_num median_num min_num max_num total_num # 1: c 0.08215953 0.163064560 -1.3670420 1.3695510 0.3286381 # 2: b -0.16423225 0.005903355 -1.3995380 0.7308023 -0.6569290 # 3: a 0.21965022 0.540894826 -0.6086176 0.7266734 0.6589507 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # random_df$group: spss # char mean_num median_num min_num max_num total_num # 1: a 0.3722390 0.05407307 -0.5538001 1.9346099 1.488956 # 2: b 0.5085635 0.73430008 -0.3003130 0.8659667 2.034254 # 3: c -1.2909541 -1.29095413 -1.2909541 -1.2909541 -1.290954 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # random_df$group: stata # char mean_num median_num min_num max_num total_num # 1: a 0.01144453 -0.8381546 -1.0498222 1.9223104 0.0343336 # 2: b -0.65927260 -0.6592726 -1.1870952 -0.1314500 -1.3185452 # 3: c 0.94910811 0.9491081 0.9491081 0.9491081 0.9491081

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