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I have a program that loops through the lines of a book to match some tags I've created indicating the start and the end of each chapter of this book. I want to separate each chapter into a different file. The program finds each chapter and asks the user to name the file, then it continues until the next chapter and so on. I don't know exactly where to put my "break" or something that could stop my loop. The program runs well but when it reaches the last chapter it goes back to the first chapter. I want to stop the loop and terminate the program when the tags and the chapters finish and also print something like "End of chapters". Can anyone help me with that? The code is below: import re def separate_files (): with open('sample.txt') as file: chapters = file.readlines() pat=re.compile(r"[@introS\].[\@introEnd@]") reg= list(filter(pat.match, chapters)) txt=' ' while True: for i in chapters: if i in reg: print(i) inp=input("write text a file? Y|N: ") if inp =='Y': txt=i file_name=input('Name your file: ') out_file=open(file_name,'w') out_file.write(txt) out_file.close() print('text', inp, 'written to a file') elif inp =='N': break else: continue else: continue separate_files() JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

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I think a simpler definition would be import re def separate_files (): pat = re.compile(r"[@introS\].[\@introEnd@]") with open('sample.txt') as file: for i in filter(pat.match, file): print(i) inp = input("write text to a file? Y|N: ") if inp != "Y": continue file_name = input("Name of your file: ") with open(file_name, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(i) print("text {} written to a file".format(i)) Continue the loop as soon as possible in each case, so that the following code doesn't need to be nested more and more deeply. Also, there's no apparent need to read the entire file into memory at once; just match each line against the pattern as it comes up. You might also consider simply asking for a file name, treating a blank file name as declining to write the line to a file. for i in filter(pat.match, file): print(i) file_name = input("Enter a file name to write to (or leave blank to continue: ") if not file_name: continue with open(file_name, "w") as out_file: out_file.write(i) print("text {} written to {}".format(i, file_name)

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