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I've got a data file of the form: Series_1 "12-Dec-2011 12:00" 32 Series_1 "12-Dec-2011 12:01" 29 Series_1 "12-Dec-2011 12:02" 27 Series_1 "12-Dec-2011 12:04" 23 Series_2 "12-Dec-2011 12:01" 45 Series_2 "12-Dec-2011 12:02" 43 Series_2 "12-Dec-2011 12:04" 38 Which I'd like to plot as a number of series on the same plot using gnuplot, but I'm new to gnuplot and I cannot figure out how the using clause should be structured here. I wanted to plot column 2, date/time as the X axis with column 3 as the Y axis, with subsequent sections being overlaid. Is this possible? Surely the X axis doesn't always have to be in the first column? I tried: plot "datafile.dat" using 2:3 title 'Hits' But got the error: x range is invalid Can anyone show me where I'm going wrong? JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

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Expanding @Woltan's answer: if you want each section in a different colour/style, use the index (but then you have to separate sections by two emtpy lines): plot 'i' index 0 using 2:4 with lines, '' index 1 using 2:4 with lines

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