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write a qbasic program to find out the maximum number from two given number Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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Best answer
CLS CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, b CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THEN CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THENPRINT a; “is greatest number” CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THENPRINT a; “is greatest number”PRINT b; “is lowest number” CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THENPRINT a; “is greatest number”PRINT b; “is lowest number”ELSE CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THENPRINT a; “is greatest number”PRINT b; “is lowest number”ELSEPRINT b; “is greatest number” CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THENPRINT a; “is greatest number”PRINT b; “is lowest number”ELSEPRINT b; “is greatest number”PRINT a; “is lowest number” CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THENPRINT a; “is greatest number”PRINT b; “is lowest number”ELSEPRINT b; “is greatest number”PRINT a; “is lowest number”END IF CLSINPUT “Enter two number”; a, bIF a > b THENPRINT a; “is greatest number”PRINT b; “is lowest number”ELSEPRINT b; “is greatest number”PRINT a; “is lowest number”END IFEND

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