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Write an algorithm to accept radius of a circle from user, and display area of the circle using the formula: area = 3.14 x radius x radius Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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Explanation: Here we are writing a simple C program that calculates the area and circumference of circle based on the radius value provided by user. Formula: Area = 3.14 * radius * radius Circumference = 2 * 3.14 * radius Program to calculate Area and Circumference based on user input To calculate area and circumference we must know the radius of circle. The program will prompt user to enter the radius and based on the input it would calculate the values. To make it simpler we have taken standard PI value as 3.14 (constant) in the program. Other details are mentioned as comments in the below example program. #include int main() { int circle_radius; float PI_VALUE=3.14, circle_area, circle_circumf; //Ask user to enter the radius of circle printf(“\nEnter radius of circle: “); //Storing the user input into variable circle_radius scanf(“%d”,&circle_radius); //Calculate and display Area circle_area = PI_VALUE * circle_radius * circle_radius; printf(“\nArea of circle is: %f”,circle_area); //Caluclate and display Circumference circle_circumf = 2 * PI_VALUE * circle_radius; printf(“\nCircumference of circle is: %f”,circle_circumf); return(0); } Output: Enter radius of circle: 2 Area of circle is: 12.560000 Circumference of circle is: 12.560000 If you want more accurate results then take PI value as 22/7 instead of 3.14, it would give you the exact values of area and circumference.

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