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Write whether the following statements are true or false, with the suitable reason: i. Absence of genetic recombination is an advantage whereas fast process is drawback of asexual reproductive method. ii. Prokaryotes show fission which occurs either by mitosis or amitosis. iii. During favourable conditions multiple fission is performed by amoeba. iv. Any encysted Amoeba or any other protist is called ‘Cyst’. v. If the body of Sycon breaks up accidentally into only large and few fragments, then only each fragment develops into new Sycon. Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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Best answer
i. False. (Absence of genetic recombination is a drawback whereas fast process is advantage of asexual reproductive method.) ii. True. (Prokaryotes show fission by both the methods, i.e. mitosis and amitosis.) iii. False. (During unfavourable conditions multiple fission is performed by amoeba.) iv. True. (Cyst is the tough capsule like structure which keeps the protists dormant inside it. This helps the organisms to tide over unfavourable conditions.) v. False. (If the body of Sycon breaks up accidentally into many fragments, each fragment develops into new Sycon. Because the capacity to regenerate is very strong in poriferan Sycon, even a small piece of parent Sycon can give rise to entire new individual.)

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