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Describe the structure of a flower. L.S. of a flower showing different parts Select the correct answer from above options

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(1) The structural unit of sexual reproduction in plants is flower. There are total four floral whorls. Of these, two are accessory floral whorls while two are essential floral whorls. (2) Calyx and corolla are accessory whorls. They are protective in nature. (3) Members of calyx are known as sepals. They are usually green in colour. They protect the inner whorls. (4) The members of corolla are called petals. They can be of different colours. (5) Androecium and gynoecium are essential whorls as they participate in sexual reproduction. (6) The male whorl androecium is made up of stamens. Each stamen has a filament with anther located at the upper end. In the anther there are four locules. Inside the locules the meiosis takes place forming pollen grains. During suitable time, the pollen grains are released from anther lobes. (7) Gynoecium is made up of carpels, either in separate form or are united. Each carpel is formed of ovary at the basal end hollow ‘style’ and the stigma at the tip of style. There are one or many ovules inside the ovary. (8) In bisexual flowers both androecium and gynoecium are located in the same flower, e.g. Hibiscus. (9) In unisexual flowers, androecium is present in male flowers and gynoecium is present in the female flowers, e.g. Papaya.

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