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Write note on Thallophyta. Select the correct answer from above options Science questions and answers, Science questions pdf, Science question bank, Science questions and answers pdf, mcq on Science pdf,Science book pdf,Science pdf notes,Science lecture notes,Science of light,maxwell Science,Science proposed by,electromagnetic theory engineering physics,Science nptel

1 Answer

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These plants grow mainly in water. This group of plants, which do not have specific parts like rootstem-leaves-flowers but are autotrophic due to the presence of chlorophyll, is called algae. Algae show great diversity. They may be unicellular or multicellular, and microscopic or large. Examples of algae are Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Ulva, Sargassum, etc. Some of these are found in fresh water while some are found in saline water. These plants usually have a soft and fibre-like body. Various types of fungi like yeasts and moulds which do not have chlorophyll are also included in this group.

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