Recent questions tagged python-interview-questions-answers

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    Which of the following command is used to read n number of bytes from a file using the file object fo? 1. fo.readbytes() 2. 3. fo.readbytes(n) 4.
asked Jul 7, 2023 in Technology by JackTerrance
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    When prioritizing projects, which of the following should NOT be a primary factor?...
asked Jul 7, 2023 in Technology by JackTerrance
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    main() { var title = "hello"; String v = "hello"; var target; target ??= (title == v ? true : "welcome"); print( ... `` What is the output? 1. error 2. hello 3. true 4. welcome...
asked Jul 7, 2023 in Technology by JackTerrance
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    Which of the following statement sets the metaclass of class A to B? 1. class A(metaclass=B): pass 2. class A: __metaclass__ ... class A: __metatype__ = M 4. class A(meta=B): pass...
asked Jul 7, 2023 in Technology by JackTerrance
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