Questions by JackTerrance

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    Amazon EC2 Container Service is an example of ____________. A. Docker B. Polyglot persistence C. CQRS...
asked Jan 11, 2023 in Education
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    Which pattern collects and reports all exceptions to a centralized exception tracking service? A. Distributed tracing B. Audit logging C. Application logging D. Exception tracing...
asked Jan 11, 2023 in Education
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    __________ is the ability to store something temporarily to reduce the loading times, and I/O of a system. A. Chassis B. Service registry C. Service Deployment D. Cache...
asked Jan 11, 2023 in Technology
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    The following are all caching types, except ___________. A. Server cache B. Shared Cache C. No Cache D. Distributed Cache E. Local & Remote Cache...
asked Jan 11, 2023 in Technology
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    In __________, each external request is tagged with a unique identifier which is passed to all services involved ... . Distributed tracing C. Application logging D. Audit logging...
asked Jan 11, 2023 in Education
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    Spring Boot is example of __________. A. Service Deployment B. Service registry C. Chassis Framework D. API Gateway...
asked Jan 11, 2023 in Technology
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    __________ is the ability to store something temporarily to reduce the loading times, and I/O of a system. A. Service registry B. Chassis C. Service Deployment D. Cache...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Education
0 votes and Boxful represent ______________ type of pattern. A. Service Instance per Container B. Service Instance per Host C. Multiple Services per Host pattern...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Education
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    Efficient Utilization and Fast Deployment represents which pattern? A. Service Instance per Container B. Multiple Services per Host pattern C. Service Instance per Host...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Technology
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    Service Instance per Host pattern provides __________. A. Great Isolation B. Leverage AWS for Autoscaling and Load balancing C. Great Manageability D. All the options...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Technology
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    Microservices supports different kinds of databases and this is called ____________. A. Service Deployment B. ... persistence C. Polyglot resistance D. Event-driven Architecture...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Technology
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    The two components of CQRS include___________. A. Query and client side B. Server and command side C. Server and client side D. Query and command side...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Technology
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    Netflix OSS is an example of __________. A. Server-side discovery B. Client-side discovery...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Education
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    The transactions that span across multiple services are handled by ___________. A. DML commands B. Pre-compiled queries C. Logging queries in DBs D. Event driven Architecture...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Education
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    AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is an example of __________. A. Client-side discovery B. Server-side discovery...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Education
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    The client expects a timely response from the service and might even block while it waits. This represents the _________ client ... B. One to one C. One to many D. Synchronous...
asked Jan 10, 2023 in Technology
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    External clients communicate with Microservices using ___________. A. Messaging B. API C. API Gateway D. API Proxy...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Technology
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    The 3Cs of Microservices include the following, except ___________. A. Control B. Connect C. Componentize D. Collaborate...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Education
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    Separating components with conflicting resource requirements falls under the bucket of _____________. A. Monolithic B. Microservices...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Technology
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    Software built as microservices can, by definition, be broken down into multiple component services. A. True B. False...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Technology
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    Microservice Architecture adapts which of the following concept(s)? A. OOPS B. SOA C. Web Service/HTTP D. All the options...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Technology
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    The decomposition of Microservices is based on two categories, namely ________. A. Technology Capability and ... Marketing and Domain D. Business Opportunity and Technology...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Education
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    Agile development & deployment is difficult in case of _________. A. Monolithic B. Microservices...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Education
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    Propagation delay depends on ___________. A. Packet length B. Transmission rate C. Distance between the routers D. Speed of the CPU...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Technology
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    Transmission delay does not depend on _____________. A. Packet length B. Distance between the routers C. Transmission rate D. Bandwidth of medium...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Technology
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    In a network, If P is the only packet being transmitted and there was no earlier transmission, which of the ... B. Queuing delay C. Transmission delay D. Processing delay...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Technology
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    The total nodal delay is given by ____________. A. dnodal = dproc – dqueue + dtrans + dprop B. dnodal = dproc ... D. dnodal = dproc + dqueue – dtrans – dprop...
asked Jan 9, 2023 in Education
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    If end to end delay is given by dend-end = N(dproc + dtrans + dprop) is a non congested network. The number of routers between source and destination is? A. N/2 B. N C. N-1 D. 2N...
asked Jan 8, 2023 in Technology
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    In the transfer of file between server and client, if the transmission rates along the path is 10Mbps, 20Mbps, 30Mbps, ... ___________. A. 20Mbps B. 10Mbps C. 40Mbps D. 50Mbps...
asked Jan 8, 2023 in Technology
0 votes
    Given L = number of bits in the packet, a = average rate and R = transmission rate. The Traffic intensity in the network is given by ____________ A. La/R B. LR/a C. R/La D. Ra/L...
asked Jan 8, 2023 in Technology