Recent questions tagged ai

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    What is the problem space of means-end analysis? (a) An initial state and one or more goal states (b) One ... initial state and one goal state Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    An algorithm A is admissible if ___________ (a) It is not guaranteed to return an optimal solution when one ... to return more optimal solutions Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 23, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    The explanation facility of an expert system may be used to ____________ (a) construct a diagnostic model (b) ... & expedite the debugging process Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include __________ (a) color and motion (b) depth and texture ( ... and motion, depth and texture Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    In which of the following areas may ICAI programs prove to be useful? (a) educational institutions (b) corporations (c ... d) all of the mentioned Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    The company that grew out of research at the MIT AI lab is ____________ (a) AI corp (b) LMI (c) Symbolics (d) Both LMI & Symbolics Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Which technique is being investigated as an approach to automatic programming? (a) generative CAI (b) specification by ... ) all of the mentioned Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    The primary method that people use to sense their environment is ____________ (a) reading (b) writing (c) speaking (d) seeing Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    The Newell and Simon program that proved theorems of Principal Mathematical was ____________ (a) Elementary Perceiver (b) ... (d) Boolean Algebra Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Which of the following contains output segments of AI programming? (a) Printed language and synthesized (b) Manipulation ... All of the mentioned Please answer the above question....
asked Sep 21, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance