Recent questions tagged ai

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    In AI programming, a list may contain ___________ (a) cells (b) fields (c) pointers (d) all of the mentioned Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
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    In LISP, the function (minusp (-20 4 8 8 1)) returns? (a) T (b) F (c) NIL (d) -20 Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    Special programs that assist programmers are called ____________ (a) heuristic processors (b) symbolic programmers (c) ... (d) program recognizers Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    LISP machines also are known as ___________ (a) AI workstations (b) Time-sharing terminals (c) Super mini computers (d) All of the mentioned Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    What are the two subfields of Natural language processing? (a) context and expectations (b) generation and ... d) recognition and synthesis Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    Which of the following function returns t if the object is a number in LISP? (a) (number ) (b) (numberp ) (c) (numericp ) (d) (numeric ) Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    Which of the following have computers traditionally done better than people? (a) storing information (b) ... information & computing numerically Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    The characteristics of the computer system capable of thinking, reasoning and learning are known as ____________ (a) ... (d) virtual intelligence Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    What part of the manufacturing process relate to each stage of the process and to the process as a whole? ... distribution (d) project management Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance
0 votes
    The area of AI that investigates methods of facilitating communication between people and computers is ___________ (a) ... support (d) robotics Please answer the above question....
asked Oct 2, 2022 in Education by JackTerrance