Recent questions tagged Essential-javascript-interview-questions

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    What does bind() method of ServerSocket offer? (a) binds the serversocket to a specific address (IP Address ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Oct 24, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Which of the below are common network protocols? (a) TCP (b) UDP (c) TCP and UDP (d) CNP ... , JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Oct 24, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Which class represents an Internet Protocol address? (a) InetAddress (b) Address (c) IP Address (d) ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Oct 24, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    What does local IP address start with? (a) 10.X.X.X (b) 172.X.X.X (c) 192.168.X. ... questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Oct 24, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    What happens if IP Address of host cannot be determined? (a) The system exit with no message (b) ... JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Oct 24, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    How constructor can be used for a servlet? (a) Initialization (b) Constructor function (c) Initialization ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Oct 24, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance
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    Which method is used to get three-letter abbreviation for locale's country in servlets? (a) Request. ... Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)...
asked Oct 24, 2021 in Education by JackTerrance