1 Answer

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A ToolTip control shows some information or a hint about a control in a floating box when the mouse hovers over that control and it disappears when the mouse is moved away from that control.
Tool tips are used to help the users to learn the purpose of Controls in many Windows-based programs. Tooltips are nothing but small rectangles that appear when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the Control. The rectangle contains a short piece of text describing the control. Once displayed, the tips disappear when the user moves the mouse pointer away from the linked control or clicks a mouse button, or after a short delay.
ToolTip Example: Drag a Button control from the toolbox and drop it. Add a ToolTip property to the button with a message you want to show on mouse hover of the button. We can add a ToolTip in two ways. First the button shows the simplest way to display a ToolTip. The second method is preferred for creating a customized ToolTip.
  1. <Button Content="Click Here" Margin="30" FontSize="16" ToolTip="Click Here"></Button>  
  2. <Button Content="Click Here" Margin="30" FontSize="16">  
  3.     <Button.ToolTip>  
  4.         <ToolTip> Click Here </ToolTip>  
  5.     </Button.ToolTip>  
  6. </Button>  
basic example

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