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Our core application changed from Python 2.6 to Python 2.7 maybe to Python 3 in later release. Range function from python is changed (quote from the Python 2.7 changelog). The range() function processes its arguments more consistently; it will now call __int__() on non-float. We allow users to add expressions / Python code based on results we process further. Now how to change range function? Some of them are using float argument that are failing now in Python 2.7. As code is written by users we cannot change in Python code/expression. There are 1000s of files. Some users may have their own files. Is there is a way to extend the range() function from Python, such that it will take float arguments? Another alternative is to parse python code and change float to int. It is very time consuming as it requires lot of sting manipulation and some range calls have formulas as parameter. Our application build in C++, and we evaluate python expression using C++ python APIS JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

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You have a serious migration issue. If you want to switch to Python 2.7 and even Python 3, there is basically no easy way around refactoring the existing (user) code base eventually. IMHO, you have the following options. Provide a permanent (non-optional) 2.6 compatible interface to your users. That means they do not have to change anything, but it kind of defeats the purpose of upgrading to Python 2.7 since the users still have to satisfy Python 2.6 semantics. Verdict: Not recommended. Provide a temporary (non-optional) 2.6 compatible interface for a limited amount of time. In that case the existing code needs to be refactored eventually. Verdict: Not recommended. Make users include a flag in their code (e.g. a magic comment that can be identified safely without executing the file like # *$$ supertool-pythonversion: 2.7 $$*), which Python version the code expects to be run with and use 2.6 compatibility only for the files that have not been flagged with Python 2.7. That way, you can do whatever compatibility hacks are needed to run old files and run new files the way they are. Verdict: Increases complexity, but helps you doing the migration. Recommended. However, you are in the convenient position of calling Python from C++. So you can control the environment that scripts are run with via the globals and locals dictionary passed to PyEval_EvalCode. In order to implement scenario 3, after checking the compatibility flag from the file, you can put a custom range function which supports float arguments into the gloabls dictionary before calling PyEval_EvalCode to "enable" the compatibility mode. I am not proficient with Python's C API, but in Python this would look like this (and it is possible to do the same via the C API): range27 = range def range26(start=None, stop=None, step=None): if start is not None and not isinstance(start, int): start = int(start) if stop is not None and not isinstance(stop, int): stop = int(stop) if step is not None and not isinstance(step, int): step = int(step) return range27(start, stop, step) def execute_user_code(user_file): ... src = read(user_file) global_dict = {} local_dict = {} ... if check_magic_version_comment(src) in (None, '2.6'): global_dict['range'] = range26 global_dict['range27'] = range27 # the last line is needed because the call # of range27 will be resolved against global_dict # when the user code is executed eval_code(src, global_dict, local_dict) ...

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