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This gear was inserted from the Catalog. It relocates the player to the center of the map when it's unequipped by clicking on the thumbnail. At 1st, I tested in a game I made. Everytime I unequipped it, the player kept falling through the baseplate and dying. I noticed it is the same position over and over. I moved the baseplate's position lower and the player falls down onto the baseplate instead of dying. Then I tested the gear in a new empty baseplate, unequipping it, the player moves to the center, too. I check the position of the both the Handle and the player's Torso, but that axis does not match any position in the script. Can someone point this out for me so that I can change it to the last position that the player stops? Tool = script.Parent Handle = Tool:WaitForChild("Handle") Players = game:GetService("Players") Debris = game:GetService("Debris") Assets = require(Tool:WaitForChild("Assets")) Data = Assets.Data BaseUrl = Assets.BaseUrl BasePart ="Part") BasePart.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic BasePart.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block BasePart.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth BasePart.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom BasePart.Size =, 0.2, 0.2) BasePart.Anchored = false BasePart.CanCollide = true BasePart.Locked = true Animations = { Hold = {Animation = Tool:WaitForChild("Hold"), FadeTime = nil, Weight = nil, Speed = nil} } Sounds = { Honk = Handle:WaitForChild("Honk"), Engine = Handle:WaitForChild("Running") } Controls = { Forward = {Key = "w", ByteKey = 17, Mode = false}, Backward = {Key = "s", ByteKey = 18, Mode = false}, Left = {Key = "a", ByteKey = 20, Mode = false}, Right = {Key = "d", ByteKey = 19, Mode = false} } Rate = (1 / 60) Gravity = 196.20 PoseOffset =, -1.5125, -0.3) * CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0) --The offset your character is from the center of the vehicle. SpeedBoost = { Allowed = false, Active = false, Enabled = true, Duration = 10, ReloadTime = 30 } Special = { Allowed = false, Enabled = true, Active = false, Duration = 0, ReloadTime = 60 } Speed = { Acceleration = { Normal = 30, Boost = 30 }, Deceleration = { Normal = 30, Boost = 30 }, MovementSpeed = { Normal = {Min = 20, Max = 70}, Boost = {Min = 20, Max = 70} }, TurnSpeed = { Speed = {Min = 5, Max = 5}, TurnAlpha = 0.30, AlphaDampening = 0.2 }, } MaxSpeed = { --Maximum speed which the vehicle can move and turn at. Movement = Speed.MovementSpeed.Normal, Turn = Speed.TurnSpeed.Speed, Acceleration = Speed.Acceleration.Normal, Deceleration = Speed.Deceleration.Normal } CurrentSpeed = { --The speed which the vehicle is moving and turning at. Movement = 0, Turn = 0 } Honk = { Honking = false, LastHonk = 0, ReloadTime = 1 } Jump = { Jumping = false, LastJump = 0, ReloadTime = 1.25, JumpForce = 30 } ToolEquipped = false ServerControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ServerControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ServerControl.Name = "ServerControl" ServerControl.Parent = Tool ClientControl = (Tool:FindFirstChild("ClientControl") or"RemoteFunction")) ClientControl.Name = "ClientControl" ClientControl.Parent = Tool Tool.Enabled = true function RayCast(Position, Direction, MaxDistance, IgnoreList) local IgnoreList = ((type(IgnoreList) == "table" and IgnoreList) or {IgnoreList}) return game:GetService("Workspace"):FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(, Direction.unit * (MaxDistance or 999.999)), IgnoreList) end function GetAllConnectedParts(Object) local Parts = {} local function GetConnectedParts(Object) for i, v in pairs(Object:GetConnectedParts()) do local Ignore = false for ii, vv in pairs(Parts) do if v == vv then Ignore = true end end if not Ignore then table.insert(Parts, v) GetConnectedParts(v) end end end GetConnectedParts(Object) return Parts end function EnableFirstPersonView() if not CheckIfAlive() or not ToolEquipped then return end local Limbs = {"LeftHand", "RightHand"} for i, v in pairs(Limbs) do local Limb = Character:FindFirstChild(v) if Limb:IsA("BasePart") then Spawn(function() InvokeClient("SetLocalTransparencyModifier", {Object = Limb, Transparency = 0, AutoUpdate = false}) end) end end end function ThrustUpdater() for i, v in pairs(CurrentSpeed) do CurrentSpeed[i] = 0 end for i, v in pairs(Controls) do Controls[i].Mode = false end while ToolEquipped and Body and Body.Parent and CheckIfAlive() and RotationForce and RotationForce.Parent and ThrustForce and ThrustForce.Parent and TurnGyro and TurnGyro.Parent do RotationForce.angularvelocity =, CurrentSpeed.Turn, 0) if math.abs(CurrentSpeed.Turn) > Speed.TurnSpeed.AlphaDampening then CurrentSpeed.Turn = (CurrentSpeed.Turn - (Speed.TurnSpeed.AlphaDampening * (math.abs(CurrentSpeed.Turn) / CurrentSpeed.Turn))) else CurrentSpeed.Turn = 0 end if not Controls.Forward.Mode or Controls.Backward.Mode then --Slow down if not controlling. CurrentSpeed.Movement = (CurrentSpeed.Movement * 0.99) end local MySpeed =, 0, Body.Velocity.Z).magnitude local VelocityDifference = math.abs((MySpeed - (ThrustForce.velocity.magnitude))) if MySpeed > 3 and ThrustForce.velocity.magnitude > 3 and VelocityDifference > (0.7 * ThrustForce.velocity.magnitude) then CurrentSpeed.Movement = (CurrentSpeed.Movement * 0.9) end if Controls.Forward.Mode then --Handle acceleration CurrentSpeed.Movement = math.min(MaxSpeed.Movement.Max, (CurrentSpeed.Movement + (MaxSpeed.Acceleration * Rate))) end if Controls.Backward.Mode then --Handle deceleration, if speed is more than 0, decrease quicker. CurrentSpeed.Movement = math.max(-MaxSpeed.Movement.Min, (CurrentSpeed.Movement - (MaxSpeed.Deceleration * ((CurrentSpeed.Movement > 0 and 2.8) or 1) * Rate))) end if Controls.Left.Mode then --Handle left turn speed CurrentSpeed.Turn = math.min(Speed.TurnSpeed.Speed.Max, (CurrentSpeed.Turn + (Speed.TurnSpeed.TurnAlpha))) end if Controls.Right.Mode then --Handle right turn speed CurrentSpeed.Turn = math.max(-Speed.TurnSpeed.Speed.Min, (CurrentSpeed.Turn - (Speed.TurnSpeed.TurnAlpha))) end local Direction = UpperTorso.CFrame.lookVector Direction =, 0, Direction.z).unit local Velocity = (Direction * CurrentSpeed.Movement) --The thrust force which you move. ThrustForce.velocity =, ThrustForce.velocity.Y, Velocity.Z) local LeanAmount = (-CurrentSpeed.Turn * (math.pi / 6) / 4) --Amount your character leans over. local XZAngle = math.atan2(UpperTorso.CFrame.lookVector.z, 0, UpperTorso.CFrame.lookVector.x) --Handle rotation TurnGyro.cframe = CFrame.Angles((LeanAmount * Direction.x), 0, (LeanAmount * Direction.z)) --Wheel animation local DesiredAngle = (999999999 * (-CurrentSpeed.Movement / math.abs(CurrentSpeed.Movement))) local MaxVelocity = (CurrentSpeed.Movement / 250) for i, v in pairs({FrontMotor, BackMotor}) do if v and v.Parent then v.DesiredAngle = DesiredAngle v.MaxVelocity = MaxVelocity end end --Smoke exhaust from vehicle running. for i, v in pairs(ExhaustSmoke) do if v and v.Parent then v.Opacity = ((math.min(math.abs(CurrentSpeed.Movement), 10) / 10) * 0.5) end end --Engine running sound which pitch changes while in motion. Sounds.Engine.Pitch = (1 + (math.abs(CurrentSpeed.Movement / MaxSpeed.Movement.Max) * 1)) wait(Rate) end end function SpawnVehicle() Handle.Transparency = 1 Spawn(function() InvokeClient("PlaySound", Sounds.Engine) InvokeClient("PlayAnimation", Animations.Hold) end) Humanoid.PlatformStand = true local VehicleData = Assets.CreateVehicle() Body = VehicleData.Vehicle local ParticleTable = VehicleData.Tables --FrontMotor = Body.FrontMotor --BackMotor = Body.BackMotor ExhaustSmoke = ParticleTable.ExhaustSmoke Lights = ParticleTable.Lights Sparkles = ParticleTable.Sparkles if SpeedBoost.Active then for i, v in pairs(Sparkles) do if v and v.Parent then v.Enabled = true end end end local UpperTorsoWeld ="Weld") UpperTorsoWeld.C0 = PoseOffset UpperTorsoWeld.Part0 = UpperTorso UpperTorsoWeld.Part1 = Body UpperTorsoWeld.Parent = Body Body.CanCollide = true RotationForce ="BodyAngularVelocity") RotationForce.maxTorque =, math.huge, 0) RotationForce.angularvelocity =, 0, 0) RotationForce.Parent = UpperTorso ThrustForce ="BodyVelocity") ThrustForce.maxForce =, 0, math.huge) ThrustForce.velocity =, 0, 0) ThrustForce.P = 100 ThrustForce.Parent = UpperTorso TurnGyro ="BodyGyro") TurnGyro.maxTorque =, 0, 5000) TurnGyro.P = 300 TurnGyro.D = 100 TurnGyro.Parent = UpperTorso Body.Parent = Tool local RayHit, RayPos, RayNormal = RayCast(UpperTorso.Position,, -1, 0), (UpperTorso.Size.Y * 2), {Character}) if RayHit then UpperTorso.CFrame = UpperTorso.CFrame +, ((Character:GetModelSize().Y / 2) + 1.5), 0) end Spawn(ThrustUpdater) end function FreezePlayer() if CheckIfAlive() then local FreezePart = BasePart:Clone() FreezePart.Name = "FreezePart" FreezePart.Transparency = 1 FreezePart.Anchored = true FreezePart.CanCollide = false local FreezeWeld ="Weld") FreezeWeld.Part0 = UpperTorso FreezeWeld.Part1 = FreezePart FreezeWeld.Parent = FreezePart Debris:AddItem(FreezePart, 0.125) FreezePart.Parent = Character UpperTorso.Velocity =, -25, 0) UpperTorso.RotVelocity =, 0, 0) end end function CleanUp() Handle.Velocity =, 0, 0) Handle.RotVelocity =, 0, 0) for i, v in pairs({}) do if v then v:disconnect() end end for i, v in pairs({Body, RotationForce, ThrustForce, TurnGyro}) do if v and v.Parent then v:Destroy() end end for i, v in pairs(Tool:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("BasePart") and v ~= Handle then v:Destroy() end end end function CheckIfAlive() return (((Character and Character.Parent and Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent and Humanoid.Health > 0 and UpperTorso and UpperTorso.Parent and Player and Player.Parent) and true) or false) end function Equipped(Mouse) Character = Tool.Parent Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") UpperTorso = Character:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") if not CheckIfAlive() then return end Spawn(CleanUp) Spawn(EnableFirstPersonView) Spawn(SpawnVehicle) ToolEquipped = true end function Unequipped() Spawn(CleanUp) Spawn(FreezePlayer) for i, v in pairs(Sounds) do v:Stop() Spawn(function() InvokeClient("StopSound", v) end) end if CheckIfAlive() then Humanoid.PlatformStand = false end Handle.Transparency = 0 ToolEquipped = false end function OnServerInvoke(player, mode, value) if player == Player and ToolEquipped and value and CheckIfAlive() then if mode == "KeyPress" then local Down = value.Down local Key = value.Key local ByteKey = string.byte(Key) for i, v in pairs(Controls) do if Key == v.Key or ByteKey == v.ByteKey then Controls[i].Mode = Down end end if Key == " " and Down then --Jump controller if math.abs(tick() - Jump.LastJump) > Jump.ReloadTime and not Jump.Jumping and ThrustForce and ThrustForce.Parent then Jump.Jumping = true local Parts = GetAllConnectedParts(Body) local Mass = 0 for i, v in pairs(Parts) do Mass = (Mass + v:GetMass()) end ThrustForce.maxForce =, ((Mass * Gravity) * 100), ThrustForce.maxForce.Z) ThrustForce.velocity = (, 1, 0) * Jump.JumpForce) +, 0, ThrustForce.velocity.Z) wait(0.1) ThrustForce.maxForce =, 0, ThrustForce.maxForce.Z) ThrustForce.velocity =, 0, ThrustForce.velocity.Z) Jump.LastJump = tick() Jump.Jumping = false end elseif Key == "x" and Down then --Toggle light(s) on/off. for i, v in pairs(Lights) do if v and v.Parent then v.Enabled = not v.Enabled end end elseif Key == "h" and Down then --Play honk sound. local Sound = Sounds.Honk if (tick() - Honk.LastHonk) >= (Sound.TimeLength + Honk.ReloadTime) and not Honk.Honking then Honk.Honking = true local TempSound = Sound:Clone() Debris:AddItem(TempSound, Sound.TimeLength) TempSound.Parent = Body TempSound:Play() Honk.LastHonk = tick() Honk.Honking = false end elseif Key == "q" and Down then --Activate special. if not Special.Allowed or not Special.Enabled or Special.Active then return end Special.Enabled = false Special.Active = true wait(Special.Duration) Special.Active = false wait(Special.ReloadTime) Special.Enabled = true elseif ByteKey == 48 and Down then --Activate speed boost. if not SpeedBoost.Allowed or not SpeedBoost.Enabled or SpeedBoost.Active then return end SpeedBoost.Enabled = false SpeedBoost.Active = true for i, v in pairs(Sparkles) do if v and v.Parent then v.Enabled = true end end MaxSpeed.Acceleration = Speed.Acceleration.Boost MaxSpeed.Deceleration = Speed.Deceleration.Boost MaxSpeed.Movement = Speed.MovementSpeed.Boost wait(SpeedBoost.Duration) MaxSpeed.Acceleration = Speed.Acceleration.Normal MaxSpeed.Deceleration = Speed.Deceleration.Normal MaxSpeed.Movement = Speed.MovementSpeed.Normal for i, v in pairs(Sparkles) do if v and v.Parent then v.Enabled = false end end SpeedBoost.Active = false wait(SpeedBoost.ReloadTime) SpeedBoost.Enabled = true end end end end function InvokeClient(Mode, Value) local ClientReturn = nil pcall(function() ClientReturn = ClientControl:InvokeClient(Player, Mode, Value) end) return ClientReturn end Spawn(CleanUp) ServerControl.OnServerInvoke = OnServerInvoke Tool.Equipped:connect(Equipped) Tool.Unequipped:connect(Unequipped) JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

0 votes
I found it. Freezingplayer is the culprit. I took out "Spawn(FreezePlayer)" when it is unequipped and it works. function Unequipped() Spawn(CleanUp) ---Spawn(FreezePlayer)

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