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I posted a question about my Dynamic Trigger yesterday and it turns out my last issue was due to including one too many fields in my unpivot. That being said, my creation is working! (evil laugh) A lot of you expressed your concerns that this could be bad for the overall health of my database and I am curious why that would be... Please elaborate after reviewing what I have come up with. This is a trigger that can be placed on ANY TABLE on ANY SERVER (once you have the necessary things in place). You either need to follow the model below or tweak it to your liking. (i.e. your own log table, your own way of tracking who made a change, etc.) All you need: The trigger, a logging table (see mine below), and a field in your tables that tracks the user that made the change (in our case all connections go through one centralized SQL profile so this is the only way we can track which user made the change (by passing it as a parameter at the time of update)). tblChangeLog: ID - int - NOT NULL (Identitity (1, 1)) Message - varchar(max) - NOT NULL TableName - varchar(50) - NOT NULL PrimaryKey - varchar(50) - NOT NULL Activity - varchar(50) - NOT NULL CreatedByUser - varchar(30) - NOT NULL - DEFAULT ('System') CreatedDate - datetime - NOT NULL - DEFAULT (getdate()) Trigger: (Haven't added delete/insert yet, may only do this for updates)... CREATE TRIGGER (your name here) ON (your table here) AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @tableName sysname DECLARE @tableId INT DECLARE @activity VARCHAR(50) DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX) -- DETECT AN UPDATE (Records present in both inserted and deleted) IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM inserted) AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM deleted) BEGIN SET @activity = 'UPDATE' -- Gets TableName and TableId SELECT @tableName = OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) , @tableId = parent_object_id FROM sys.objects WHERE = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) -- Get the user who made the change DECLARE @LastUpdUser VARCHAR(50) SELECT @LastUpdUser = LastUpdUser FROM inserted -- Stores possible column names CREATE TABLE #Columns ( name varchar(100) ) -- Stores only updated columns CREATE TABLE #Changes ( Id sql_variant, FieldName sysname, FieldValue_OLD sql_variant, FieldValue_NEW sql_variant, DateChanged datetime DEFAULT (GETDATE()), LastUpdUser varchar(50), GroupNumber int ) -- Gathers names of all possible updated columns (excluding generic) INSERT INTO #columns SELECT Name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = @tableId AND Name NOT IN ('LastUpdUser', 'LastUpdDate', 'CreatedByUser', 'CreatedDate', 'ConcurrencyId') -- Builds 2 dynamic strings of columns to use in pivot DECLARE @castFields nvarchar(max) -- List of columns being cast to sql_variant DECLARE @listOfFields nvarchar(max) -- List of columns for unpivot SELECT @castFields = COALESCE(@castFields + ', ', '') + ('CAST(' + QUOTENAME(Name) + ' AS sql_variant) [' + Name + ']') FROM #columns SELECT @listOfFields = COALESCE(@listOfFields + ', ', '') + QUOTENAME(Name) FROM #columns WHERE Name <> 'Id' -- Inserting deleted/inserted data into temp tables SELECT * into #deleted FROM deleted SELECT * into #inserted FROM inserted SELECT @sql = ';WITH unpvt_deleted AS ( SELECT Id, FieldName, FieldValue FROM (SELECT ' + @castFields + ' FROM #deleted) p UNPIVOT (FieldValue FOR FieldName IN (' + @listOfFields + ') ) AS deleted_unpivot ), unpvt_inserted AS ( SELECT Id, FieldName, FieldValue FROM (SELECT ' + @castFields + ' FROM #inserted) p UNPIVOT (FieldValue FOR FieldName IN (' + @listOfFields + ') ) AS inserted_unpivot ) INSERT INTO #Changes (Id, FieldName, FieldValue_OLD, FieldValue_NEW, LastUpdUser, GroupNumber) SELECT COALESCE(D.Id, I.Id) Id , COALESCE(D.FieldName, I.FieldName) FieldName , D.FieldValue AS FieldValue_OLD , I.FieldValue AS FieldValue_NEW , ''' + @LastUpdUser + ''' , DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY I.Id) AS GroupNumber FROM unpvt_deleted D FULL OUTER JOIN unpvt_inserted I ON D.Id = I.Id AND D.FieldName = I.FieldName WHERE D.FieldValue <> I.FieldValue DECLARE @i INT = 1 DECLARE @lastGroup INT SELECT @lastGroup = MAX(GroupNumber) FROM #Changes WHILE @i <= @lastGroup BEGIN DECLARE @Changes VARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @Changes = COALESCE(@Changes + ''; '', '''') + UPPER(CAST(FieldName AS VARCHAR)) + '': '' + '''''''' + CAST(FieldValue_OLD AS VARCHAR) + '''''' to '' + '''''''' + CAST(FieldValue_NEW AS VARCHAR) + '''''''' FROM #Changes WHERE GroupNumber = @i ORDER BY GroupNumber INSERT INTO tblChangeLog (Message, TableName, PrimaryKey, Activity, CreatedByUser, CreatedDate) SELECT Distinct @Changes, ''' + @tableName + ''', CONVERT(VARCHAR, Id), ''' + @activity + ''', LastUpdUser, DateChanged FROM #Changes WHERE GroupNumber = @i SET @Changes = NULL SET @i += 1 END DROP TABLE #Changes DROP TABLE #columns DROP TABLE #deleted DROP TABLE #inserted' exec sp_executesql @sql END END To make this even more universal, my DBA has come up with a nifty script and dummy table that will store this trigger as a row in the dummy table. The script uses a cursor and finds every table on a database and creates a trigger for each table on the fly. We have tested that as well and it works like a charm, not bothering posting that here at this time. JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

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Some things I noticed: There can be more than one record in inserted or deleted. Sql Server will call a trigger only once for a statement, even if it impacts many rows. It's possible the application is built where this is extremely unlikely, but I've seen this come back to bite people in triggers many times. Order is not preserved between when inserted and deleted are processed. I would use a parameter name with sq_executesql for the LastUpdUser. I know you're unlikely to have any problems caused by an organization-assigned username as is, but I always feel better about using parameters as much as possible, and it's possible here. The same goes for @activity. Performance. You're doing this on every single change, and it involves a considerable amount of string processing. String processing in Sql Server is surprisingly expensive, such that this is likely to create a meaningful performance penalty. Why? This ability is already built-in to Sql Server, and as of Sql Server 2016 sp2 it's included with Standard Edition (no need to get Enterprise just for this).

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