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Good day to you, Today I was moving code from threading to multiprocess. Everything seemed okay, until I got The following error: Error Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 93, in main() File "", line 82, in main emenu.executemenu(components, _path) File "/home/s1810979/paellego/lib/execute/", line 29, in executemenu e.executeall(installed, _path) File "/home/s1810979/paellego/lib/execute/", line 153, in executeall pool.starmap(phase2, args) File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/multiprocessing/", line 268, in starmap return self._map_async(func, iterable, starmapstar, chunksize).get() File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/multiprocessing/", line 608, in get raise self._value File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/multiprocessing/", line 385, in _handle_tasks put(task) File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/multiprocessing/", line 206, in send self._send_bytes(ForkingPickler.dumps(obj)) File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/multiprocessing/", line 50, in dumps cls(buf, protocol).dump(obj) _pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle : attribute lookup module on builtins failed Code def executeall(components, _path): args = [] manager = multiprocessing.Manager() q = manager.Queue() resultloc = '/some/result.log' for component in components: for apkpath, resultpath in zip(execonfig.apkpaths, execonfig.resultpaths): args.append((component,apkpath,resultpath,q,)) #Args for subprocesses cores = askcores() with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cores) as pool: watcher = pool.apply_async(lgr.log, (resultloc+'/results.txt', q,)) pool.starmap(phase2, args) class Component(object): def __init__(self, installmodule, runmodule, installerloc, installationloc, dependencyloc): self.installmodule = installmodule self.runmodule = runmodule self.installerloc = installerloc self.installationloc = installationloc self.dependencyloc = dependencyloc self.config = icnf.Installconfiguration(installerloc+'/conf.conf') #lots of functions... class State(Enum): BEGIN=0 #Look for units UNIT=1 #Look for unit keypairs KEYPAIR=3 class Phase(Enum): NONE=0 DEPS=1 PKGS=2 class Installconfiguration(object): def __init__(self, config): dictionary = self.reader(config) #Fill a dictionary #dictionary (key:Phase, value: (dictionary key: str, job)) self.deps = dictionary[Phase.DEPS] self.pkgs = dictionary[Phase.PKGS] class Job(object): def __init__(self, directory=None, url=None): = directory if directory else '' self.url = url if url else '' As you can see, I pass a component as argument to function phase2(component, str, str, multiprocess.manager.Queue()). The second and third argument of the constructor of component are modules imported with importlib. What I tried I am new to python, but not to programming. Here is what I tried: Because the error itself did not point out what the problem was exactly, I tried removing args to find out which can't be pickled: Remove component, and everything works fine, so this appears to be the cause for trouble. However, I need this object passed to my processes. I searched around the internet for hours, but did not find anything but basic tutorials about multiprocessing, and explanations about how pickle works. I did find this saying it should work, but not on windows or something. However, it does not work on Unix (which I use) My ideas As I understood it, nothing suggests I cannot send a class containing two importlib modules. I do not know what the exact problem is with component class, but importlib module as members are the only non-regular things. This is why I believe the problem occurs here. Question Do you know why a class containing modules is unsuitable for 'pickling'? How can one get a better idea why and where Can't pickle errors occur? More code Full source code for this can be found on Questions to me Please leave comments requesting clarifications/more code snippets/??? if you would like me to edit this question A last request I would like solutions to use python standard library only, python 3.3 preferably. Also, a requirement of my code is that it runs on Unix systems. Thanks in advance Edit As requested, here is a minimal example which greatly simplifies the problem: (you could execute as python foo) #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import importlib import multiprocessing class clazz(object): def __init__(self, moduly): self.moduly = moduly def foopass(self, stringy): def barpass(self, stringy, numbery): print('Second argument: '+str(numbery)) def worker(clazzy, numbery): clazzy.barpass('wow', numbery) def main(): clazzy = clazz(importlib.import_module(sys.argv[1])) clazzy.foopass('init') args = [(clazzy, 2,)] with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2) as pool: pool.starmap(worker, args) if __name__ == "__main__": main() (needs to be in same directory for above call suggestion): #!/usr/bin/env python globaly = 0 def foo(stringy): print('foo '+stringy) global globaly globaly = 5 def bar(stringy): print('bar '+stringy) print(str(globaly)) This gives error upon running: TypeError: can't pickle module objects Now we know that pickling module objects is (sadly) not possible. 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1 Answer

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In order to get rid of the error, let clazz not take a module as attribute, however convenient, but let it take "modpath", which is the required string for importlib to import the module specified by user. It looks like this ( remains exactly the same as above): #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import importlib import multiprocessing class clazz(object): def __init__(self, modpathy): self.modpathy = modpathy def foopass(self, stringy): moduly = importlib.import_module(self.modpathy) def barpass(self, stringy, numbery): moduly = importlib.import_module(self.modpathy) print('Second argument: '+str(numbery)) def worker(clazzy, number): clazzy.barpass('wow', number) def main(): clazzy = clazz(sys.argv[1]) clazzy.foopass('init') args = [(clazzy, 2,)] with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2) as pool: pool.starmap(worker, args) if __name__ == "__main__": main() If you require that your globals, such as globaly, are guaranteed to maintain state, then you need to pass a mutable object (e.g. list, dictionary) to hold this data, thanks @DavisHerring: Module attributes are called “global variables” in Python, but they are no more persistent or accessible than any other data. Why not just use dictionaries? The example code would look like this: #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import importlib import multiprocessing class clazz(object): def __init__(self, modpathy): self.modpathy = modpathy self.dictionary = {} def foopass(self, stringy): moduly = importlib.import_module(self.modpathy), self.dictionary) def barpass(self, stringy, numbery): moduly = importlib.import_module(self.modpathy), self.dictionary) print('Second argument: '+str(numbery)) def worker(clazzy, number): clazzy.barpass('wow', number) def main(): clazzy = clazz(sys.argv[1]) clazzy.foopass('init') args = [(clazzy, 2,)] with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=2) as pool: pool.starmap(worker, args) if __name__ == "__main__": main() (no more globals): #!/usr/bin/env python def foo(stringy, dictionary): print('foo '+stringy) globaly = 5 dictionary['globaly'] = globaly def bar(stringy, dictionary): print('bar '+stringy) globaly = dictionary['globaly'] print(str(globaly)) This way you can work around the problem without annoying can't pickle ... errors, and while maintaining states

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