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I have installed Docker Desktop for windows Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962, and I'm not able to build and image. Even a docker search does not seem to work. The error message (for example, when doing a docker search) is: Error response from daemon: Get proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp connect: no route to host My office is behind a proxy. So on the "Proxies" settings of DockerDesktop I set for both HTTP and HTTTPS. But it still does not seem to work. I have defined some ENV variables (both user and system) like this: HTTPS_PROXY= HTTP_PROXY= Also: C:\Users\my.user\AppData\Roaming\Docker\http_proxy.json: { "http": "", "https": "", "exclude": null, "transparent_http_ports": [], "transparent_https_ports": [] } C:\Users\my.user\AppData\Roaming\Docker\settings.json: { "settingsVersion": 1, "autoStart": false, "checkForUpdates": true, "analyticsEnabled": false, "displayedWelcomeWhale": true, "displayed14393Deprecation": false, "displayRestartDialog": true, "displaySwitchWinLinContainers": true, "latestBannerKey": "", "debug": false, "memoryMiB": 2048, "swapMiB": 1024, "cpus": 2, "diskPath": null, "diskSizeMiB": 64000000000, "networkCIDR": "", "proxyHttpMode": true, "overrideProxyHttp": "", "overrideProxyHttps": "", "overrideProxyExclude": null, "useDnsForwarder": true, "dns": "", "kubernetesEnabled": false, "showKubernetesSystemContainers": false, "kubernetesInitialInstallPerformed": false, "cliConfigCreationDate": "03/22/2019 12:23:58", "linuxDaemonConfigCreationDate": "03/22/2019 12:22:19", "windowsDaemonConfigCreationDate": null, "versionPack": "default", "sharedDrives": {}, "executableDate": "", "useWindowsContainers": false, "swarmFederationExplicitlyLoggedOut": false, "activeOrganizationName": null, "exposeDockerAPIOnTCP2375": false } C:\Users\my.user\.docker\config.json: { "stackOrchestrator": "swarm", "auths": {}, "credsStore": "wincred", "proxies": { "default": { "httpProxy": "", "httpsProxy": "", "noProxy": "" } } } I also tried passing build-arg to tocker build: docker build --build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY= ... Finally, on the Docker Desktop network configuration, I have tried with DNSs both "Automatic" and Manual (Using my corporate dns servers) None of this has worked. Any hint on what should I do? Thank you. JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

0 votes
A collegue found out the problem: By default, the bridge network that docker creates uses the same subnet as our office ( and that causes trouble with the proxy ip address ( To solve this: The bridge network cannot be deleted, but We can tell docker not to create it. Go to Daemon Settings, Advanced => add "bridge": "none", to the configuration After applying changes, Docker will restart and now We will be able to create our own custom bridge network In this example, We are going to use ( Open a console and write: docker network create --subnet= --gateway -o -o -o docker_gwbridge Then we can do a docker ls for checking that the previous command was successful: $ docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 2a3635a49ffa docker_gwbridge bridge local 4e9ec758ee9f host host local 737c6c5fc82b none null local Now do a docker search ubuntu (for example). It should be able to connect to the internet and fetch the images. Important: From now on, some commands that need internet access will need to specify the new docker network with the extra parameter --network="docker_gwbridge" For example a docker build command could be: docker build --network="docker_gwbridge" --build-arg http_proxy= --build-arg https_proxy= -t foobar . [Edit]: for a simpler method, use the following: On daemon configuration, add "bip": "new_subbet". For example: "bip": "". Then, restart docker. Now, you won't even need to pass the extra --network="docker_gwbridge" parameter to the commands. This shorter solution may not work with older versions of Docker for windows, so you may consider the original answer if this option does not work.

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