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I've seen examples that allow you to create a manipulator that inserts delimiters but none of those manipulators are sticky. That is, the manipulator returns a special class that inserts the delimiter, rather than modifying the output stream permanently so that it can do it on its own. I want to be able to do this: std::cout << sep(", "); std::cout << "hello" << "world"; // "hello, world" At the moment this prints "h, e, l, l, o, w, o, r, l, d" when I need it to be "hello, world". The reason I'm getting the wrong output is because I put the printing in the overflow() method and overflow() is being called for each character. I'm not sure where is the appropriate place to put it. Sorry about it being verbose. If I knew a simpler way to write it I would. Just start from the bottom and work your way up: #include <iostream> #include // index for delimiter int separator() { static int idx = std::ios_base::xalloc(); return idx; } // index for storage of dynamically-allocated buffer int rdbuffer() { static int idx = std::ios_base::xalloc(); return idx; } struct custom_separator : std::streambuf { public: custom_separator(std::ostream& _stream) : stream(_stream), buffer(_stream.rdbuf()) {} int_type overflow(int_type c) { // has a token been read already if (token_read) { char* delim = static_cast(stream.pword(separator())); // print delim buffer->sputn(delim, strlen(delim)); } token_read = true; return buffer->sputc(c); } private: std::ostream& stream; std::streambuf* buffer; bool token_read = false; }; // deletes the buffer and the delimiter void cleanup(std::ios_base::event evt, std::ios_base& str, int idx) { if (evt == std::ios_base::erase_event) { delete static_cast(str.pword(idx)); delete static_cast(str.pword(rdbuffer())); } } std::ostream& set_separator(std::ostream& os, const char* str) { if (!os.bad()) { // If a separator string doesn't exist, assign os a buffer that prints one if (!os.pword(separator())) { auto buf = new custom_separator(os); os.rdbuf(buf); // this is to keep track of buf so we can delete it later os.pword(rdbuffer()) = static_cast(buf); os.register_callback(cleanup, separator()); } // delete the previous separator delete static_cast(os.pword(separator())); // store the new one os.pword(separator()) = (void*)(str); } return os; } struct sep { explicit sep(const char* _sep) : separator(new char[strlen(_sep) + 1]) { strcpy(separator, _sep); } sep(const sep&) = delete; sep(const sep&&) = delete; char* separator; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const sep& manip) { set_separator(os, manip.separator); return os; } int main() { std::cout << sep(", "); std::cout << "hello"; std::cout << "world"; // "h, e, l, l, o, w, o, r, l, d" } The main issue with overflow() is that I don't know when to detect when the end of a token like "hello" has been read to know when to insert. JavaScript questions and answers, JavaScript questions pdf, JavaScript question bank, JavaScript questions and answers pdf, mcq on JavaScript pdf, JavaScript questions and solutions, JavaScript mcq Test , Interview JavaScript questions, JavaScript Questions for Interview, JavaScript MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

1 Answer

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Try the following. Additionally, new line break processing (new line symbol) has been added so that the separator is not added during the transfer (after new line). #include class MyStream { public: struct Sep { Sep (const std::string& sep_value = ""): m_sep(sep_value) { } operator std::string() { return m_sep; } private: std::string m_sep; }; MyStream& operator << (const Sep& sep) { m_sep = sep; m_add_sep = false; return *this; } MyStream& operator << (const std::string& str) { if(str.find(MyStream::endl) != std::string::npos) m_add_sep = false; operator<< <std::string>(str); m_add_sep = false; return *this; } template MyStream& operator << (const T& value) { if(m_add_sep) std::cout << static_cast<std::string>(m_sep); std::cout << value; m_add_sep = true; return *this; } static const std::string endl; private: Sep m_sep; bool m_add_sep = false; }; const std::string MyStream::endl = std::string("\n"); int main() { MyStream stream; stream << "hello" << "world" << MyStream::endl; // prints "helloworld" stream << MyStream::Sep(", "); stream << "hello" << "world" << MyStream::endl; // prints "hello, world" stream << 1 << 2; stream << 3 << MyStream::endl; // both lines prints "1, 2, 3" stream << MyStream::Sep(); stream << 1 << 2 << 3 << MyStream::endl; // prints "123" return 0; }

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