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What are the different lifecycle methods in React?

1 Answer

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Every component in React has lifecycle methods that we can tap into, to trigger changes at a particular phase of the life cycle.
Each component in react goes through three phases: MountingUpdating, and Unmounting.
There are corresponding lifecycle methods for each of the three phases:

**Note- In this article, we are discussing the use of lifecycle methods in class components. For utilising lifecycle methods in functional components, react hooks are used.




There are four built-in lifecycle methods that are called in the following order when a component is mounted:
constructor( ) - This is called before anything else. We can set the initial state of the component inside this method. The constructor method is used to set the initial state and bind methods to the component.
getDerivedStateFromProps( ) - This is called before rendering the elements in the DOM.
In this method, we can set the state of the component based on the props we received. This method is used very rarely.
render( ) - This is the only required method in the class component. This method returns the HTML elements which are going to be rendered inside the DOM.
componentDidMount( ) - It is called right after the component is rendered inside the DOM. All the statements which require the DOM nodes can be executed in this method. Network requests from a remote end-point can also be instantiated in this method.


Updates in react are caused by changes in state or props. Update leads to re-rendering of the component. The following methods are called when a component is re-rendered:
getDerivedStateFromProps( ) - This method is called again when a component is being re-rendered.
shouldComponentUpdate( ) - This method is called before rendering the component when new props are received. It lets React know if the component’s output is affected by the newly received props or by the state change. By default, it returns true.
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