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S3 is a storage facility, EBS is a device, EFS is a file system. Can you please help me in choosing among the three and where Select the correct answer from above options

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Amazon S3: S3 is scalable in nature. Amazon S3 is object storage which is suitable for storing user files and backups in massive numbers. S3 is the slowest. Provides simple object storage, useful for hosting website images and videos, data analytics, and both mobile and web applications. S3 service can be accessed from anywhere on the internet. It is great for short term archiving and for the long term the Glacier becomes costly. Glacier is a storage system which is used for backup and archiving data. S3 is a web system interface. Amazon EBS: EBS is hardly scalable and provides block storage Amazon EBS can also enhance the functionality of Amazon EC2 - it is similar to your computer's drive but in a virtualized environment EBS is the fastest amongst the three and relatively cheap Provides persistent block-level data storage. It blocks storage stores files in multiple volumes called blocks, which act as separate hard drives; block storage devices are more flexible and offer higher performance than regular file storage. It only exists in a particular region. EBS is a file system interface. Amazon EFS: Amazon EFS was designed to provide scalable object storage for the users of Amazon EC2 cloud computing service. EFS is slower than EBS and faster than S3 Is a shared, elastic file storage system that can grow and shrinks as you add or remove files. It provides a traditional file storage paradigm, with data organized into directories and subdirectories. It is useful for SaaS applications and content management systems It has more features but it is more costly EFS is both web and file system interface. Learn more about AWS by going through AWS course and master this trending technology.

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