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Describes the properties of radiations which are emitted by radioactive nuclei. Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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Characteristics of alpha ( α ) ( particles a . a Nature : : An alpha particle is a helium atom from which two electrons have been removed. b . b Mass and charge : : An alpha particle has a mass of 4 a μ 4 and a charge of + 2 + units. Therefore, symbol of an alpha particle is . 2 H e 4 . . ltbr. c . c Speed : : Alpha particles have a low speed of upto 10 % 10 of the speed of light. ltbr. d . d Penetrating power : : These ray can penetrate an aluminium sheet of 0.002 c m 0.002 thickness. e . e Effect of electric field : : Alpha particles are positively charged and are deflected strongely by an electrostatic field. Characteristics of beta ( β ) ( particles ltbr. a . a Nature : : These rays are made up of stream of electrons. b . b Mass and charge : : The mass of a beta particle is 1 / 1840 a m u 1 and the charge of a beta particle is − 1 - unit. The mass of a beta particle is so small that it is taken to be zero in the nuclear reactioins. The symbol of the beta particles is . − 1 e 0 . c . c Speed : : The speed of beta particles is 90 % 90 of the speed of light and 10 10 times that of α − α particles. d . d Penetrating power : : They can penetrate an aluminium sheet of upto 0.2 c m 0.2 thickness. e . e Effect of electric field : : They are heavily deflected by an electrostatic field because of their relatively smaller momentum compared to α − α rays. Charactersitics of gamms ( γ ) ( rays a . a Nature : : Gamma rays are electro − - magentic radiations with a very short wavelength of the order of 10 ± 10 . b . b Mass and charge : : Gamma rays have no mass and no charge. A gamma ray is represented by the symbol . 0 γ 0 . . ltbr. c . c Speed : : Gamma rays travel with the speed of light. d . d Penetrating power : : Gamma rays can penetrate upto 100 c m 100 thick aluminium sheet. e . e Effect of electric field : : Gamma rays are not deflected by an electrostatic field because of the absence of charge and mass associated with them.

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