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Rewrite the following JAVA program segment using switch case.. char code; if(code==’B’||code==’b’) System.out.println(“Businessman”); if(code==’F’||code==’f’) System.out.println(“Fighter”); if(code==’E’||code==’e’) System.out.println(“Employee”); if (code==’I’||code==’i’) System.out.println(“Intelligent”); plzzzz plzzz answer me fast i want this right now….plz help me…. Select the correct answer from above options

1 Answer

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Best answer
Sample Java Program: switch(code) { case ‘B’ : System. out. println(“Businessman”); break; case ‘F’ : System. out. println(“Fighter”); break; case ‘E’ : System. out. println(“Employee”); break; case ‘I’ : System. out. println(“Intelligent”); break; case ‘b’ : System. out. println(“Businessman”); break; case ‘f’ : System. out. println(“Fighter”); break; case ‘e’ : System. out. println(“Employee”); break; case ‘i’ : System. out. println(“Intelligent”); break; default : System. out. println(“Brainliac”); } Output: Choose an alphabet: e Employee. Hope it helps!

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