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In how many different ways can it be done ? 10 men and 8 women out of which 5men are teachers, 3 men doctors and 2 businessmen ,Among the women , 3 are teachers, 2 doctors , 2 researches and 1 social worker. A committee of 5 in which 2 men teachers , 2 women teachers and 1 doctor are there A. 75 B. 150 C. 214 D. 20 Select the correct answer from above options

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Correct Answer - B Out of 5 men 2 teachers ,can be selected in 5 C 2 5 ways Out Of 3women teachers , 2 can be selected in 3 C 2 3 ways . Out of 5 doctors 1 can be selected in 5 C 1 5 ways . ⇒ ⇒ Total number of selections = 5 C 2 × 3 C 2 × 5 C 1 = = 5 × 4 1 × 2 × 3 × 2 1 × 2 × 5 = = 10 × 3 × 5 = 150 =

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